The Living Room in My Room

It seems like every day there some new form of media or a new way to consume current media. We briefly mentioned Netflix the other day in class and how it is a new form of media as well as a way to consume current media (Television and Film.)

It seems that in the last year or two there has been an explosion in the world of Virtual Reality (VR.) There have been quite a few devices that run VR with many yet to come. There are very expensive ones like PSVR and VIVE as well as more affordable ones like the Samsung Gear VR. These devices have brought a new form of entertainment but I will be looking at how this technology enhances the media we already have.

I cannot speak on the PSVR or VIVE as I do not own one, however, I do own a Samsung VR and have played with it quite a bit since receiving as a gift this past Christmas. One of the more popular apps for the Samsung VR is the Netflix app. It is free to download but obviously requires a Netflix account. Once you put on the headset, you select the Netflix app and are immediately submerged in a sort of living room.

Here is an image of the Netflix app in VR

While using the app you are placed on the center couch in the above image, you are able to look around and see everything and watch your program on the television, in the living room, in your headset, while most likely sitting in your bedroom or on your own personal real couch.

It is interesting to see how this is now an option when it comes to how one consumes media. What are your thoughts on Netflix in VR or even VR in general? Feel free to comment below!

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